Friday, April 18, 2008

I did it again...

I ate a half a pound of strawberries while driving 70 mph down Hwy 94.
I finished of the other half pound later that night.
I think I'm up to 17 pounds of strawberries consumed.


Molly said...

You are going to turn INTO a strawberry.

Storyteller said...

I know a woman whose father owns a strawberry farm in minnesota. Would you like to go strawberry picking sometime? (I think you only pay for the strawberries you bring back in your bucket). We could clean them out! The only problem....bending with a belly...ummmm....yeah, maybe I could put you on a skateboard and drag you along? :) Have you had any cravings for dirt yet?

Molly said...

Chris, I want to go! We can ditch the pregnant lady and you can teach me about bugs so I can write poems about them. You are going to be my official resource for my second chapbook, OK?