Friday, January 25, 2008

Week 18: The Peeing Post

3:00 am: Woke up and HAD to go to the bathroom. No more water right before going to sleep

5:30 am: Alarm goes off. Head right to the bathroom

6:40 am: Should be leaving for work, have to pee instead.

7:45 am: Drop everything. Run to the bathroom to pee.

8:35 am: Here we go again. Pee pee pee

11:00 am: Please get off my bladder, baby. I have to pee again.

This is getting ridiculous. Its not a "I feel like I'm going to have to use the bathroom soon." It's a "if I don't get to the bathroom in the next minute, I'm going to have change my pants!"

1 comment:

Molly said...

Your blog is turning into all the baby blogs I've read. It's so weird.

I can't wait for the inevitable boob and poop posts. :)